Audio, Ethics

Normative Ethics

Dr. Bahnsen teaches an advanced, seminary-level course in ethics, which examines what has been variously called deontological ethics, the ethics...

Audio, Ethics

Situational Ethics

Ethical problems face us from every direction. Dr. Bahnsen leads seminary students through some of these difficult issues as he applies God's...

Audio, Philosophy

Critical Thinking

If you would like to gain skills in argument and logic, this course is designed for you. Teaching at Christ College, Dr. Bahnsen explains the...

Audio, Eschatology

New Year

In this collection of New Year's sermons, Dr. Bahnsen unpacks some of the Bible's most popular and controversial passages on eschatology,...

In Understanding Be Men

Also known as the Basic Training Series in Theology, this three-part sermon series calls Christians to grow in maturity and depth in their theological understanding. Taking his starting point from 1 Corinthians 14:20, Dr. Bahnsen emphasizes the importance of developing a robust and biblical grasp of theology, moving beyond superficial or sentimental faith. Over three sessions, he explores the transcendent and holy nature of God, the necessity of divine revelation for knowing Him, and the coherence and sufficiency of Scripture as the foundation for sound doctrine. He also addresses God's...

A Godly Attitude

This sermon series explores essential biblical perspectives on worship, time, money, and fellowship within the Christian life. With clear exegesis and practical application, Dr. Bahnsen challenges believers to integrate God's priorities into every aspect of their lives. He emphasizes the call to worship God both individually and corporately, honor the Sabbath as a reflection of God's creative and redemptive work, view money as a tool for godly stewardship rather than personal gain, and prioritize meaningful Christian fellowship that mirrors the love and unity of Christ's body. This series...

The Ten Commandments

Dr. Greg Bahnsen explores the enduring relevance, theological significance, and practical application of the Ten Commandments for a lay audience. He begins by contrasting the life of the blessed man of Psalm 119, who loves and keeps God's commandments, with that of the autonomous man and his society. Dr. Bahnsen then addresses challenges to the law of God from within the church, dealing with common misconceptions, such as the alleged opposition between law and grace. He highlights the context of redemption in which the commandments were given, underscoring that they are not a pathway to...

To a Thousand Generations

Part of the Basic Training series, this set is the best introduction to the necessity of a distinctly Christian education. Dr. Bahnsen presents the basic theological issues involved in Christian schooling and exposes many of the myths surrounding public schools. Trusting that God is faithful to his promises, even to a thousand generations, Dr. Bahnsen urges Christian parents to take up their covenant responsibilities toward their children. 01 — Keeping Covenant with God (1 of 3) 02 — The Myth of Neutrality in Education (2 of 3) 03 — Why Public Schools Won’t Work (3 of 3)  ...

Loving the Law

Part of the Basic Training series, Dr. Bahnsen teaches God's standards for living the Christian life. Assuming no prior knowledge of the subject, this is the best set to introduce the topic of "theonomic" ethics. These three lectures will equip you to sing out with the sweet Psalmist of Israel, "O how love I thy law!" 01 — Christ's Lordship and the Law (1 of 3) 02 — The Continuity of the Old and New Testaments (2 of 3) 03 — The Comprehensive Applicability of the Lord's Law (3 of...

How to Choose/Leave a Church

Christ is Lord over all of life, even our decisions about joining or leaving a particular church. Dr. Bahnsen provides biblically-based guidance on touchy pastoral questions that are rarely addressed and always require discernment. 01 — How to Choose a Church—Part 1 (Acts 20) (1 of 3) 02 — How to Choose a Church—Part 2 (Acts 20) (2 of 3) 03 — How to Leave a Church (1 Cor. 3:10) (3 of 3)...

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

Dr. Bahnsen sets forth Christ's person and work from five Gospel narratives, inviting his hearers to gaze upon Jesus by faith. These five messages are organized around various passages that speak of looking to Jesus for guidance, comfort, and especially salvation. 01 — The Creator of the Mountains and Seas (John 1:1–3; Col. 1:16–17; Ps. 95) (1 of 5) 02 — Two Lessons from the Lake (Mark 4:35–41; Matt. 14:22–23) (2 of 5) 03 — Triumphant, Transformed Fishermen (Luke 5:1–11) (3 of 5) 04 — Looking On the One Who was Pierced (John 19:1–37) (4 of 5) 05 — An Invitation From the Lowly (Matt....

1 Peter

Dr. Bahnsen preaches verse-by-verse through the Apostle Peter's first epistle, written by an eyewitness of Christ to his flock on the verge of the first intense Roman persecution. He pays close attention to the epistle's literary and historical contexts, unpacking allusions to both the sayings of Jesus and the Old Testament. With pastoral sensitivity, he applies Peter's letter to contemporary Christian struggles, urging faithfulness amidst trials. 01 — Peter: Apostle and Author (1 Pet. 1:1) (1 of 42) 02 — Triune Blessings (1 Pet. 1:2) (2 of 42) 03 — New Life (1 Pet. 1:3) 04 — The Ultimate...

The Place of God’s Law

Many believers and modern teachers are confused about the authority of the Old Testament law in the life of the New Testament Christian. Dr. Bahnsen provides a clear and biblically-based analysis of this relevant subject. This practical explanation of "theonomic" ethics is packed with concrete help for students looking for wisdom and refreshment from God's Word. 01 — What is the Place of God's Law in the Life of a Christian? (1 of 4) 02 — What Difference Does It Make? (2 of 4) 03 — What Did Jesus Say about It? (3 of 4) 04 — Questions and Answers (4 of 4)...

Seminary Apologetics

Dr. Bahnsen delivered this seminary-level course in Brooklyn, NY in 1995, the 100th anniversary of the birth of his beloved mentor, Cornelius Van Til. It represents his most mature teaching on the subject of apologetics. This is a great place to start for those wanting a more in-depth study of the defense of the faith. This course is more advanced than the "Introduction to Apologetics" and "Mid-Level Apologetics" courses. 01 — The Historical and Biblical Usage of The Term Apologetics (1 of 30) 02 — Biblical Warrant and Need for Apologetics (2 of 30) 03 — Apologetics’ Relationship to Other...

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