To The Obedience of Christ

through remastered audio lectures, class syllabi, video conferences, and easy-to-print essays from the late Dr. Greg L. Bahnsen.

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Apologetics — The Truth, The Whole Truth, And Nothing But The Truth

A paperback primer on the presuppositional method adapted from an oral presentation offered by Dr. Bahnsen during an informal debate with Dr. R.C. Sproul in 1977 at the Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi.

“This booklet offers a most concise, yet thorough-going presentation of Presuppositional Apologetics. Bahnsen’s rigorous exegesis, logical consistency and cogent style provide a superbly persuasive primer on defending the Christian faith in a Biblical manner. This resource will prove particularly valuable for those involved in ministry to an unbelieving culture.”

Brian De Jong, Pastor of Grace OPC (Sheboygan, WI)

“Never was it more important for the Christian church to retain a right biblical apologetic than at the present. The raging age of skepticism and Christian apostasy calls for a rock-solid, biblically-based, presuppositional apologetic as so elegantly, simply, and succinctly laid out here by Dr. Greg Bahnsen. I recommend this for every Christian leader and lay person.”

Kevin Swanson, Pastor, and Director of Generations

“Derived from the classic informal debate between Greg Bahnsen and RC Sproul, “Apologetics” presents a concise summary of the fundamental principles of the presuppositional approach. This brief and succinct overview serves as a valuable resource, offering key insights into the biblical foundation of apologetics, making it beneficial for both experts and laypeople. I wholeheartedly recommend it.”

Eli Ayala, Director of Revealed Apologetics

Featured Content

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Printable Articles

To a Thousand Generations

To a Thousand Generations

Part of the Basic Training series, this set is the best introduction to the necessity of a distinctly Christian education. Dr. Bahnsen presents the basic theological issues involved in Christian schooling and exposes many of the myths surrounding public schools. Trusting that God is faithful to his promises, even to a thousand generations, Dr....

Loving the Law

Loving the Law

Part of the Basic Training series, Dr. Bahnsen teaches God's standards for living the Christian life. Assuming no prior knowledge of the subject, this is the best set to introduce the topic of "theonomic" ethics. These three lectures will equip you to sing out with the sweet Psalmist of Israel, "O how love I thy law!" 01 — Christ's Lordship and...

How to Choose/Leave a Church

How to Choose/Leave a Church

Christ is Lord over all of life, even our decisions about joining or leaving a particular church. Dr. Bahnsen provides biblically-based guidance on touchy pastoral questions that are rarely addressed and always require discernment. 01 — How to Choose a Church—Part 1 (Acts 20) (1 of 3) 02 — How to Choose a Church—Part 2 (Acts 20) (2 of 3) 03 — How...

The Life and Ministry of Dr. Greg Bahnsen

The Life and Ministry of Dr. Greg Bahnsen

Roger Wagner, a personal friend of the late Greg Bahnsen, has been an ordained minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church for 40 years, serving as pastor of Bayview OPC in Chula Vista, CA since 1983.

Baptism: Its Meaning and Purpose

Baptism: Its Meaning and Purpose

By Dr. Greg Bahnsen, Covenant Community Church (Irvine, CA), Nov. 1987 In compliance with Christ’s command (Matt. 28:19), Christians have always practiced baptism with water into the Triune name of God, marking the incorporation of the person baptized into the church as Christ’s Body (I Cor. 12:12-13). However, widely differing ideas about...

What is Theonomy?

What is Theonomy?

By Dr. Greg Bahnsen in New Horizons (April, 1994) Dr. Van Til taught us that “There is no alternative but that of theonomy and autonomy” (Christian-Theistic Ethics, p. 134). Every ethical decision assumes some final authority or standard, and that will either be self-law ("autonomy") or God's law ("theonomy"). While unbelievers consider...

The Reaping Season

The Reaping Season

By Dr. Greg Bahnsen in The Seventh Trumpet, Vol. V, No. 4 (Sep./Oct. 1990) Don’t let anyone fool you. Ideas are not irrelevant. The most basic way that people think – the way they see themselves and the world around them – makes a walloping difference to their world and their behavior in it. For instance, plenty of people think of this as a...

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Bayview OPC
505 E. Naples St.
Chula Vista, CA 91911
Memo: Bahnsen