A Brief Synopsis of Theonomy

A Brief Synopsis of Theonomy

Much of the controversy over “theonomy” results from misinformation and opponents’ distortion. These lectures by Dr. Bahnsen set out a concise, clear summary of the theonomic position. 01 — A Brief Synopsis of Theonomy—Part 1 (1 of 2) 02 — A Brief...
A Theonomic View of Politics

A Theonomic View of Politics

Nothing has been more controversial and challenging about theonomic ethics than its application of God’s word to the civil sphere. Dr. Bahnsen offers an explanation and defense of the theonomic view of politics in nine theses as part of a lecture series...
A Course in Political Ethics

A Course in Political Ethics

Delivered at Ashland Seminary, this course surveys the basic issues of political ethics and the key disagreements Christians have over them. Dr. Bahnsen gives special attention to Christian involvement in the political arena, the standard which believers should apply,...
Mission to Moscow

Mission to Moscow

In May of 1993, Dr. Bahnsen spent two weeks ministering in Moscow during a time of Parliamentary and constitutional turmoil. Delivered to university students, civil magistrates, radio audiences, and in other settings, his messages (with his Russian translator), are...
Theonomy and Its Critics

Theonomy and Its Critics

Dr. Bahnsen responds to various critics of the theonomic view of ethics, including Meredith G. Kline. He addresses a wide range of challenges to theonomy—theological, exegetical, hermeneutical, and practical—demonstrating that they all fall short of the standard of...