by ryannoha | Jan 18, 2023 | Audio, Civil
God’s word speaks to every area of life—personal and corporate—including the civil realm. Hear Dr. Bahnsen lay out a biblical view of civil law and how the Scriptures apply to our current legal situation. 01 — Civil Law, Part 1 (1 of 3) 02 — Civil Law, Part 2 (2...
by ryannoha | Sep 7, 2022 | Audio, Systematics
Dr. Bahnsen offers a great summary of the Reformed faith under four headings: the sovereignty of God, covenant theology, affirming life in this world, and church government and worship. 01 — A Brief Synopsis of the Reformed Faith — Part 1 (1 of 2) 02 — A Brief...
by ryannoha | May 14, 2022 | Audio, Ethics
The ethical issues pertaining to war have provoked controversy among Christians for years-as they did during the U.S. intervention against Iraq in 1991. At that time Dr. Bahnsen delivered three penetrating lectures on the biblical principles regarding war, when and...