Does Christianity Have a Present Hope?

Does Christianity Have a Present Hope?

In the face of many doomsday prophets in our time, Dr. Bahnsen declares that God is still sovereign and will keep His promises, and we may therefore expect the success and prosperity of the gospel in the future. 01 — Thy Kingdom Come (1 of 4) 02 — Crushing Satan (2 of...
Christ’s Resurrection

Christ’s Resurrection

The historical fact that Christ rose from the dead is at the theological and spiritual heart of the Christian faith. In this series, Dr. Bahnsen explores the personal and theological implications of Christ’s resurrection. 01 — Its Significance (John 2:13–22) (1...
Why I am a Postmillennialist?

Why I am a Postmillennialist?

Hear Dr. Bahnsen’s simple, powerful, and biblical explanation to a seminary student’s sincere question: “Why are you a postmillennialist?” 01 — Chronology of History (1 of 3) 02 — The Nature of Christ’s Kingdom (2 of 3) 03 —...
Basic Training in Eschatology

Basic Training in Eschatology

Part of the Basic Training Series, this is arguably Dr. Bahnsen’s best introduction to eschatology, the study of last things. In three conference addresses, he gives an overview of the book of Revelation, surveys various millennial positions and concludes with a...