by ryannoha | Apr 9, 2024 | Audio, Eschatology
In this collection of New Year’s sermons, Dr. Bahnsen unpacks some of the Bible’s most popular and controversial passages on eschatology, teaching God’s people how to evaluate the past and prepare for the future in light of God’s promises. 01 —...
by ryannoha | Jan 16, 2024 | Audio, Eschatology
In the face of many doomsday prophets in our time, Dr. Bahnsen declares that God is still sovereign and will keep His promises, and we may therefore expect the success and prosperity of the gospel in the future. 01 — Thy Kingdom Come (1 of 4) 02 — Crushing Satan (2 of...
by ryannoha | Nov 15, 2023 | Audio, Eschatology
Dr. Bahnsen analyzes the major millennial positions held by Bible-believing Christians. He presents an exegetical-theological critique of dispensationalism, premillennialism and amillennialism. He then explores the themes of covenant and kingdom in the Bible as...
by ryannoha | Aug 11, 2023 | Audio, Worldview
If Jesus Christ has been given all power in heaven and in earth, then there is no room for neutrality in an area of life or thought. We are either with him or against him. In this 8-part conference series, Dr. Bahnsen proclaims the comprehensive Lordship of Christ and...
by ryannoha | Jun 21, 2023 | Audio, Biblical Theology
What is meant by the term “covenant theology”? How is it different from “dispensationalism”? Does it really matter? Dr. Bahnsen explores the distinctives of the covenantal perspective, featuring clear theological concepts and faithful biblical...