Mission to Moscow

Mission to Moscow

In May of 1993, Dr. Bahnsen spent two weeks ministering in Moscow during a time of Parliamentary and constitutional turmoil. Delivered to university students, civil magistrates, radio audiences, and in other settings, his messages (with his Russian translator), are...
Gun Control Debate

Gun Control Debate

In November, 1991, Dr. Bahnsen debated a liberal Presbyterian minister, Dr. James Atwood, who served on the board of a handgun control lobby in Washington, D. C. Does the Bible warrant the civil government curtailing the rights of citizens to own firearms? Dr. Bahnsen...
Ethical Issues

Ethical Issues

Ethical problems face us from every direction. Dr. Bahnsen will lead you through some of these difficult issues as he applies God’s word to these hot topics. 01 — Genetic Engineering (1 of 8) 02 — Sex Without Persons (2 of 8) 03 — Artificial Insemination (3 of...
Should We Celebrate Christmas?

Should We Celebrate Christmas?

Dr. Bahnsen tackles a question which many Christians wrestle with, “Should we celebrate Christmas?” He answers in the affirmative and lays out the biblical guidelines for such practice. 01 — Should We Celebrate Christmas (1 Tim 3:16) (1 of 2) 02 — How...