by ryannoha | Oct 17, 2023 | Audio, Ethics
In May of 1993, Dr. Bahnsen spent two weeks ministering in Moscow during a time of Parliamentary and constitutional turmoil. Delivered to university students, civil magistrates, radio audiences, and in other settings, his messages (with his Russian translator), are...
by ryannoha | Apr 24, 2023 | Audio, Debate
In November, 1991, Dr. Bahnsen debated a liberal Presbyterian minister, Dr. James Atwood, who served on the board of a handgun control lobby in Washington, D. C. Does the Bible warrant the civil government curtailing the rights of citizens to own firearms? Dr. Bahnsen...
by ryannoha | Jul 5, 2022 | Audio, Ethics
Ethical problems face us from every direction. Dr. Bahnsen will lead you through some of these difficult issues as he applies God’s word to these hot topics. 01 — Genetic Engineering (1 of 8) 02 — Sex Without Persons (2 of 8) 03 — Artificial Insemination (3 of...
by ryannoha | Jun 30, 2022 | Audio, Ethics
Dr. Bahnsen tackles a question which many Christians wrestle with, “Should we celebrate Christmas?” He answers in the affirmative and lays out the biblical guidelines for such practice. 01 — Should We Celebrate Christmas (1 Tim 3:16) (1 of 2) 02 — How...