1 Peter

1 Peter

Dr. Bahnsen preaches verse-by-verse through the Apostle Peter’s first epistle, written by an eyewitness of Christ to his flock on the verge of the first intense Roman persecution. He pays close attention to the epistle’s literary and historical contexts,...
He Lives (Easter)

He Lives (Easter)

The wages of sin is death, but the resurrection of Christ has given hope to otherwise hopeless sinners. Dr. Bahnsen proclaims the glorious good news of the resurrection in this series of Easter messages. 01 — The Promise of Resurrection (1 of 3) 02 — The Last Enemy...
Christ’s Resurrection

Christ’s Resurrection

The historical fact that Christ rose from the dead is at the theological and spiritual heart of the Christian faith. In this series, Dr. Bahnsen explores the personal and theological implications of Christ’s resurrection. 01 — Its Significance (John 2:13–22) (1...
One Important Word

One Important Word

In this collection of popular sermons, Dr. Bahnsen emphasizes the authority and significance of each and every word of Scripture by expounding on just one particular word in the text under consideration. 01 — “Therefore” (1 Peter 1:1‑17) (1 of 4) 02 — “And” (John...
Church and Christian Living

Church and Christian Living

This curated compilation represents some of the best material from Dr. Bahnsen in the areas of ecclesiology and Christian discipleship. Through sermons, conference messages, radio broadcasts and more, he addresses a wide range of topics from the true meaning of...