In Understanding Be Men

In Understanding Be Men

Also known as the Basic Training Series in Theology, this three-part sermon series calls Christians to grow in maturity and depth in their theological understanding. Taking his starting point from 1 Corinthians 14:20, Dr. Bahnsen emphasizes the importance of...
Seminary Apologetics

Seminary Apologetics

Dr. Bahnsen delivered this seminary-level course in Brooklyn, NY in 1995, the 100th anniversary of the birth of his beloved mentor, Cornelius Van Til. It represents his most mature teaching on the subject of apologetics. This is a great place to start for those...
The Last Word

The Last Word

In one of Dr. Bahnsen’s last public lecture series, he offered this powerful and compassionate case against the continuation of the revelatory gifts of tongues and prophecy for today. Positively stated, he contended for the completion and sufficiency the Word of...
Basic Training in Eschatology

Basic Training in Eschatology

Part of the Basic Training Series, this is arguably Dr. Bahnsen’s best introduction to eschatology, the study of last things. In three conference addresses, he gives an overview of the book of Revelation, surveys various millennial positions and concludes with a...