Church Responsibilities

Church Responsibilities

In light of the Bible’s teaching on the nature and significance of the church, Dr. Bahnsen calls Christians to take up their responsibilities therein as members rather than worldly spectators. These are excellent lessons to use for personal growth, Sunday School...


In this series of Bible studies, Dr. Bahnsen offers a verse-by-verse exposition of Galatians. Significant in both theological and moral content, this book is the New Testament’s first inspired piece of literature. This series will increase your appreciation of this...
The Fruit of the Spirit

The Fruit of the Spirit

This spiritually probing and personally enriching series is excerpted from Dr. Bahnsen’s larger exposition of Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians. Unpacking the doctrine of sanctification, Dr. Bahnsen explains how “the law” is not truly obeyed if...
Call to Consecration

Call to Consecration

Dr. Bahnsen hits a problem in all of our lives as believers—the problem of not living “all out” for Jesus. This lack of consecration expresses itself in ways which we need to be aware of and resist. These sermons are right on the money for explaining our...