by ryannoha | Oct 10, 2023 | Audio, Soteriology
Dr. Bahnsen teaches a Sunday school course on the glorious doctrine of salvation. He covers the full scope of redemption as rooted in the Father’s election, accomplished by Christ crucified, and applied by the Holy Spirit to all of God’s elect. Dr. Bahnsen...
by ryannoha | Apr 10, 2022 | Audio, New Testament
In this collection of popular sermons, Dr. Bahnsen emphasizes the authority and significance of each and every word of Scripture by expounding on just one particular word in the text under consideration. 01 — “Therefore” (1 Peter 1:1‑17) (1 of 4) 02 — “And” (John...
by ryannoha | Apr 9, 2022 | Audio, New Testament, Soteriology
An exposition of Romans chapter three that underscores the grace of the gospel while contending against Schuller’s view of sin, the Roman Catholic view of justification, and dispensational views of the law. 01 — Silenced by Sin: Romans 3:1-20 (1 of 3) 02 —...
by ryannoha | Mar 29, 2022 | Audio, Ecclesiology
This curated compilation represents some of the best material from Dr. Bahnsen in the areas of ecclesiology and Christian discipleship. Through sermons, conference messages, radio broadcasts and more, he addresses a wide range of topics from the true meaning of...
by ryannoha | Feb 22, 2022 | Audio, Systematics
This is an organized survey and meaty development of what God’s word teaches us about revelation, God, man, Christ, salvation, and ethics. Originally presented as a doctrinal training course for elders, these lectures are suitable for every believer who wants...