Theonomy and Its Critics

Theonomy and Its Critics

Dr. Bahnsen responds to various critics of the theonomic view of ethics, including Meredith G. Kline. He addresses a wide range of challenges to theonomy—theological, exegetical, hermeneutical, and practical—demonstrating that they all fall short of the standard of...
Crown Rights and Political Wrongs

Crown Rights and Political Wrongs

Dr. Bahnsen forcefully demonstrates that all nations—including their leaders—owe allegiance to the ascended Christ and must obey His word as it touches political affairs. 01 — Crown Him with Many Crowns (1 of 7) 02 — The Rule by which He Reigns (2 of 7) 03 — The...
Gun Control Debate

Gun Control Debate

In November, 1991, Dr. Bahnsen debated a liberal Presbyterian minister, Dr. James Atwood, who served on the board of a handgun control lobby in Washington, D. C. Does the Bible warrant the civil government curtailing the rights of citizens to own firearms? Dr. Bahnsen...
Civil Law

Civil Law

God’s word speaks to every area of life—personal and corporate—including the civil realm. Hear Dr. Bahnsen lay out a biblical view of civil law and how the Scriptures apply to our current legal situation. 01 — Civil Law, Part 1 (1 of 3) 02 — Civil Law, Part 2 (2...
Law and Grace: Reconstruction after 20 Years

Law and Grace: Reconstruction after 20 Years

An evaluation of both the non-theonomic and the theonomic schools of thought and their impact on our culture. These critiques challenge both positions to examine themselves and to consider the future. A final message offers an exposition of the various biblical uses...