by ryannoha | May 17, 2023 | Audio, Theonomy
Dr. Bahnsen responds to various critics of the theonomic view of ethics, including Meredith G. Kline. He addresses a wide range of challenges to theonomy—theological, exegetical, hermeneutical, and practical—demonstrating that they all fall short of the standard of...
by ryannoha | May 9, 2023 | Audio, Civil
Dr. Bahnsen forcefully demonstrates that all nations—including their leaders—owe allegiance to the ascended Christ and must obey His word as it touches political affairs. 01 — Crown Him with Many Crowns (1 of 7) 02 — The Rule by which He Reigns (2 of 7) 03 — The...
by ryannoha | Apr 24, 2023 | Audio, Debate
In November, 1991, Dr. Bahnsen debated a liberal Presbyterian minister, Dr. James Atwood, who served on the board of a handgun control lobby in Washington, D. C. Does the Bible warrant the civil government curtailing the rights of citizens to own firearms? Dr. Bahnsen...
by ryannoha | Jan 18, 2023 | Audio, Civil
God’s word speaks to every area of life—personal and corporate—including the civil realm. Hear Dr. Bahnsen lay out a biblical view of civil law and how the Scriptures apply to our current legal situation. 01 — Civil Law, Part 1 (1 of 3) 02 — Civil Law, Part 2 (2...
by ryannoha | Oct 31, 2022 | Audio, Theonomy
An evaluation of both the non-theonomic and the theonomic schools of thought and their impact on our culture. These critiques challenge both positions to examine themselves and to consider the future. A final message offers an exposition of the various biblical uses...