Preventing Truth Decay

Preventing Truth Decay

Truth has fallen on bad times in the 21st century, both outside and inside the church. The health of Christianity depends on preventing further “decay” of respect for the truth of God as revealed in the gospel. Dr. Bahnsen addresses three vital areas...
The Last Word

The Last Word

In one of Dr. Bahnsen’s last public lecture series, he offered this powerful and compassionate case against the continuation of the revelatory gifts of tongues and prophecy for today. Positively stated, he contended for the completion and sufficiency the Word of...
A Roman Catholic-Protestant Debate

A Roman Catholic-Protestant Debate

In this 1992 radio dialogue with a former Presbyterian turned Roman Catholic, Professor Jerry Matatics, and Catholic Priest, Father Michael Manning, Dr. Bahnsen maintained that Romanism has an unsound view of religious authority, allowing human tradition to override...