The Glory of Salvation

Oct 10, 2023 | Audio, Soteriology

Dr. Bahnsen teaches a Sunday school course on the glorious doctrine of salvation. He covers the full scope of redemption as rooted in the Father’s election, accomplished by Christ crucified, and applied by the Holy Spirit to all of God’s elect. Dr. Bahnsen contrasts the Christian view of salvation with that of other religions and contends for a distinctly Calvinistic plan of salvation as most consistent with Scripture. With pastoral wisdom, he addresses objections to predestination, among other things, and makes practical applications for the believer’s assurance and comfort in Christ.

01 — World Religions (1 of 9)

02 — The Comprehensive Scope of Salvation (2 of 9)

03 — The Plan of Salvation (3 of 9)

04 — The Plan of Salvation: Particularism (4 of 9)

05 — Grace: The Biblical View (5 of 9)

06 — The Centrality of the Cross (6 of 9)

07 — Sacrifice—Expiation (7 of 9)

08 — Sacrifice—Propitiation (8 of 9)

09 — Sacrifice—Reconciliation (9 of 9)


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