Theonomy and Its Critics

May 17, 2023 | Audio, Theonomy

Dr. Bahnsen responds to various critics of the theonomic view of ethics, including Meredith G. Kline. He addresses a wide range of challenges to theonomy—theological, exegetical, hermeneutical, and practical—demonstrating that they all fall short of the standard of Scripture.

01 — Answer to Meredith Kline (1 of 6)

02 — Hermeneutical Criticisms (2 of 6)

03 — Law Categorization Criticisms (3 of 6)

04 — Exegetical Criticisms (4 of 6)

05 — Church/State Criticisms (5 of 6)

06 — Penal Sanction Criticisms (6 of 6)

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