To The Obedience of Christ

through remastered audio lectures, class syllabi, video conferences, and easy-to-print essays from the late Dr. Greg L. Bahnsen.

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Apologetics — The Truth, The Whole Truth, And Nothing But The Truth

A paperback primer on the presuppositional method adapted from an oral presentation offered by Dr. Bahnsen during an informal debate with Dr. R.C. Sproul in 1977 at the Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi.

“This booklet offers a most concise, yet thorough-going presentation of Presuppositional Apologetics. Bahnsen’s rigorous exegesis, logical consistency and cogent style provide a superbly persuasive primer on defending the Christian faith in a Biblical manner. This resource will prove particularly valuable for those involved in ministry to an unbelieving culture.”

Brian De Jong, Pastor of Grace OPC (Sheboygan, WI)

“Never was it more important for the Christian church to retain a right biblical apologetic than at the present. The raging age of skepticism and Christian apostasy calls for a rock-solid, biblically-based, presuppositional apologetic as so elegantly, simply, and succinctly laid out here by Dr. Greg Bahnsen. I recommend this for every Christian leader and lay person.”

Kevin Swanson, Pastor, and Director of Generations

“Derived from the classic informal debate between Greg Bahnsen and RC Sproul, “Apologetics” presents a concise summary of the fundamental principles of the presuppositional approach. This brief and succinct overview serves as a valuable resource, offering key insights into the biblical foundation of apologetics, making it beneficial for both experts and laypeople. I wholeheartedly recommend it.”

Eli Ayala, Director of Revealed Apologetics

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In Understanding Be Men

In Understanding Be Men

Also known as the Basic Training Series in Theology, this three-part sermon series calls Christians to grow in maturity and depth in their theological understanding. Taking his starting point from 1 Corinthians 14:20, Dr. Bahnsen emphasizes the importance of developing a robust and biblical grasp of theology, moving beyond superficial or...

A Godly Attitude

A Godly Attitude

This sermon series explores essential biblical perspectives on worship, time, money, and fellowship within the Christian life. With clear exegesis and practical application, Dr. Bahnsen challenges believers to integrate God's priorities into every aspect of their lives. He emphasizes the call to worship God both individually and corporately,...

The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments

Dr. Greg Bahnsen explores the enduring relevance, theological significance, and practical application of the Ten Commandments for a lay audience. He begins by contrasting the life of the blessed man of Psalm 119, who loves and keeps God's commandments, with that of the autonomous man and his society. Dr. Bahnsen then addresses challenges to the...

The Need for and Usefulness of Bahnsen’s Apologetic

The Need for and Usefulness of Bahnsen’s Apologetic

Alan Strange is professor of apologetics and church history at Mid-America Reformed Seminary in Dyer, IN and associate pastor of First Orthodox Presbyterian Church of South Holland in South Holland, IL. In this lecture he speaks about the approach to apologetics taught by Dr. Greg Bahnsen (1948-1995).

Analysis of the Bahnsen-Sproul Debate

Analysis of the Bahnsen-Sproul Debate

In this video, Rev. Roger Wagner and Rev. Brian De Jong discuss the 1977 debate between Dr. Greg Bahnsen and Dr. R.C. Sproul over apologetic method (Presuppositional Apologetics vs. Classical Apologetics).

Q&A: Greg Bahnsen and Presuppositional Apologetics

Q&A: Greg Bahnsen and Presuppositional Apologetics

This Q&A session, moderated by Peter Bringe, concluded the 2022 Apologetics Conference hosted by the Bahnsen Institute. The speakers, Roger Wagner and Alan Strange, answered questions from the audience about Greg Bahnsen and presuppositional apologetics.

Presuppositional Procedure

Presuppositional Procedure

Here then is how the presuppositional (transcendental) method of defending the faith would proceed once the preliminary discussions and clarifications have taken place with the unbeliever - and the two outlooks now come head to head. The unbeliever says that he knows that miracles are impossible, that a personal almighty God does not exist, that...

Theses on Divorce and Spousal Abuse

Theses on Divorce and Spousal Abuse

At the beginning of human history, prior to man's sinful condition, there was no just ground for divorce. "He said to them, With reference to your hard-heartedness Moses authorized you to divorce your wives, but it has not been so from the beginning" (Matthew 19:8). "From the beginning" (Matt. 19:8) alludes to man's situation when God "made them...

Gospel Prosperity and the Future of Israel

Gospel Prosperity and the Future of Israel

By Dr. Greg Bahnsen in Calvinism Today: 4, Vol. III, No. 2 (April 1993) Talk of eschatology in evangelical circles today will inevitably come around to the issue of God’s plans for ethnic Israel (the Jews). Special reference is often made to the nation of Israel in prophecy.  One of the most popular preachers in southern California proclaimed in...

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