Seminary Apologetics

Seminary Apologetics

Dr. Bahnsen delivered this seminary-level course in Brooklyn, NY in 1995, the 100th anniversary of the birth of his beloved mentor, Cornelius Van Til. It represents his most mature teaching on the subject of apologetics. This is a great place to start for those...
Is Evolution Scientific?

Is Evolution Scientific?

In two lectures, Dr. Bahnsen exposes the scientific and philosophical weakness of the theory of macroevolution—contrary to popular prejudice.  01 — Is Evolution Scientific? (1 of 2) 02 — Can Theistic Evolution Save the Theory? (2 of 2)
Taking it to the Streets: Defending the Faith

Taking it to the Streets: Defending the Faith

Apologetics is useless if it is only a great theory discussed by scholars. Dr. Bahnsen demonstrates how all believers-including you-are able to defend the faith “outside the classroom” in response to any person who challenges the truth of Scripture. 01 —...
What Your Professors Won’t Tell You

What Your Professors Won’t Tell You

Many in the academic profession hide behind the myth of neutrality. Dr. Bahnsen exposes this myth and demonstrates the impossibility of neutrality in our thinking, laying bare the unbelieving college professor’s “dirty little secret”: non-Christian...
The Great Debate (Bahnsen vs. Stein)

The Great Debate (Bahnsen vs. Stein)

“The Great Debate: Does God Exist?” was a formal debate between Dr. Bahnsen and Dr. Gordon S. Stein, held at the University of California (Irvine) in 1985. As time passes, it is important that we continue to introduce people (especially young people) to...